Thursday, November 25, 2010

In closing, a few links

This blog has, obviously, gone dormant -- I've been working on a couple of new projects lately, and especially in our post-Conan/Jaypocalypse world, there is plenty of late night news & analysis out there from reporters covering the TV beat full time (and getting paid to do so). A few of my fave sites:

Tuned In:'s James Poniewozik has the best TV blog on the 'net, in my opinion -- despite the fact that a cover story he wrote notoriously called "The Jay Leno Show" "the future of TV." (He explained later that the short-lived program "was a dramatic example of how TV was changing in a time of fragmentation and decline," with the big networks "becoming more like cable, looking for ways to program cheaply." OK, I'll buy it.) Follow him on Twitter, too.

The Live Feed: If it's TV news, it'll show up on this Hollywood Reporter site. Great for breaking news and overnight ratings.

TV By the Numbers' late night ratings page: All the network spin, along with occasional analysis.

Television Without Pity's talk show forum: The best place to discuss talk shows, and many members of the community there post news and links. The "Daily Show" and "Conan" forums are particularly active; lots of posters have been participating in the TWoP boards for many years, and moderation ensures that everybody stays on topic.

Late night lineups page: It's still around.